Tuesday, January 18, 2011


What is Eureka ??? when i heard that, the first thing that come out from my mind is maybe it’s a someone’s name or  maybe a television show or maybe any diseases!. However,Eureka is actually a synergistic or holistic moment and ‘eureka’ is first quoted by Archmides.  Besides, it also means that  ‘I found it’..Lets began my experience of Eureka moments and this story is all about FRIENDSHIP. Before this, i have a friend that i do not want to mentioned her/his name and what can i say is we are really closed. But everything that happened between me and he/ she  had totally changed my perception towards FRIENDSHIP and really shocking me. From the physical view, he/she seems really nice and good person but unfortunately, he/she is a different person behind my back. Moreover,  i think he/she is one of my good friends and suddenly,  one day i know that behind me, he/she tells everyone that i ‘m really a bad girl and i think some people have bad perseption towards me. Of course, i shocked!!!!OMG!! and (eureka)‘ooooooooo’ ; )...he/ she tell everyone that i’m really and really bad and always bully he/ she and everyone seems sympathy for him/her. Then, i’m just waiting and want to see what is happened next. Later, some of my friends know about it and everything had been settled. Actually, i really can’t think any reasons why he/she behave like this and honestly, i’m really mad of it. But in positive thinking,  this had changed my perceptions and attitudes to my friends because of that,now i became more careful and really hard to believe my own friends. Well, at least, he/ she had give me a great experience in my life and taught me  ‘something’ worth to me.

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